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2018.04.13 Executive Board meeting notes

NSF Symposium update, Science Council chair, ASM Social Media Policy, Comment on NSF’s proposed rule on sexual harassment?, Science Council format

Research Scientist I – Two positions at Sevilleta LTER

Infrastructure The Sevilleta Long-Term Ecological Research (LTER) program at the University of New Mexico is seeking to fill a position at the level of Research Scientist I. This position has a large field ecology component and requires the ability to live for extended periods at the Sevilleta Field Station near Socorro, New Mexico, (up to… Read more »

A Changing Climate Drives Change in Ecological Modeling

Relying on a 114 year-long data set, researchers from the Sevilleta LTER have developed a more accurate way to model climate sensitivity functions that describe the relationship between ecological variability and plant productivity, rather than focusing on linear relationships between ecosystem response and average climate trends, as is more typical.  While variances in factors such as… Read more »

Hurricane Disturbances May Increase Resilience in Wet Tropical Forests

Hurricanes are typically considered destructive and disastrous, with high-speed winds exceeding 75 miles per hour and torrential downpours. These powerful storms can have major impacts on tropical forests, ripping open the forest canopy and causing organic debris to pile up on the forest floor. Despite these seemingly destructive qualities, new research suggests that ecological disturbance… Read more »

The Devil’s in the Details for Kelp Forest Biodiversity

Kelp forests have long been known to harbor a high number and diversity of marine species, from tiny crustaceans to large fish and marine mammals. This biodiversity tends to be attributed to the complex structure and productivity of giant kelp, earning it the title ‘foundational species’. Surprisingly, however, little quantitative data has been assessed to… Read more »

Timing is Everything: Long-Term Monitoring Key to Understanding Ecosystem Resilience

In ecology, timing is key to understanding how daily, seasonal, or yearly cycles impact environmental processes. But it’s not just about how often impacts occur, but also over what length of time. Decades worth of data synthesized by researchers at Coweeta LTER provide some of the clearest evidence to date that long-term observations of ecosystem… Read more »

Sea Level Rise Making Things Saltier in the Everglades

For those living in South Florida, sea level rise is a very real problem that’s impacting coastal areas right now, and is expected to worsen over the next decade. While most discussions on sea level rise in Florida focus on highly populated coastal cities such as Miami and Tampa, sea level rise is also having… Read more »