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20. Guidelines for Measurements of Woody Detritus in Forest Ecosys

LTER Network Office Publication #20: Guidelines for Measurements of Woody Detritus in Forest Ecosystems. This publication describes some of the most common methods used to quantify the amount and dynamics of woody detritus in forest ecosystems. A hierarchical scheme is presented that will help assure data comparability for intersite studies.

Spring 1996 Executive Committee Meeting Minutes

LTER Executive Committee Meeting Notes 4/24/96 – John Vande Castle – FLED dataset issues: Kay Gross discussed the status of the FLED report – it is out and available on-line via the ESA home page.

Network News Issue 19 Spring 1996

LTER NETWORK NEWS – Newsletter of the Long-Term Ecological Research Network Issue 19, Spring/Summer 1996. Harvard Forest, Hubbard Brook, International, Publications, Site News, Students

Winter 1996 Executive Committee Meeting Minutes

LTER Executive Committee Meeting – Washington DC January 11, 1996 Current budget scenarios from UNM and UW were distributed and logistical information taken care of, including the need to compress the meeting agenda to one day due to the weather.

1995 Report of the ESA on the Future of Long-Term Ecological Data, Volume 2

Final Report of the Ecological Society of America Committee on the Future of Long-term Ecological Data (FLED) Vol. 2 Volume II: Directories to Sources of Long-Term Ecological Data, submitted by Katherine L. Gross, Chair and Catherine E. Pake, Research Associate, December 1995

19. Meeting the Challenge of Long-term, Broad-scale Ecological Experiments by LIDET

Meeting the Challenge of Long-term, Broad-scale Ecological Experiments. 1995. Hard-copy only. This report describes an example of a 10-year, 28-site experiment to test the efect of substrate quality and macroclimate on long-term decompositiona nd nutrient dynamics. Harmon, M., and the Long-Term Intersite Decomposition Experiment Team (LIDET). 1995. Meeting the Challenge of Long-Term, Broad-Scale Ecological Experiments.

Network News Issue 18 Fall 1995

LTER NETWORK NEWS – Newsletter of the Long-Term Ecological Research Network Issue 18, Fall/Winter 1995-6