Barrier Island Retreat Drives Blue Carbon Losses

Sea level rise is eroding Virginia’s barrier islands, potentially flipping carbon rich coastal ecosystems from sinks to sources.
Sea level rise is eroding Virginia’s barrier islands, potentially flipping carbon rich coastal ecosystems from sinks to sources.
New cross-site working group explores untapped evolutionary research potential at LTER sites.
The Andrews Forest has produced cutting-edge research for decades. Moving forward, they look to the treetops to understand the forest.
The shared spaces between LTER and NEON add value for both networks and for the research community at large.
With just a phone camera, anyone can add to a growing dataset tracking environmental change at the Virginia Coast Reserve LTER.
Palmer Antarctic LTER researchers track the full migration of Southeast Pacific humpback whales, the first time this has been done.
Can plants dictate how soil microbes respond to nitrogen deposition? New research says no, and sheds light on plant-microbe dynamics.
The Northern Gulf of Alaska LTER is an anomaly in oceanography: women lead the research. Hear inspiring stories about three of them.
Social scientists research natural scientists at two LTER sites, and find that collaboration with communication experts is key to easier and more impactful public engagement.
Like everything else in 2020, the Fall Meeting of the America Geophysical Union (AGU) will be different this year. Talks, posters, town halls, lectures, exhibits and mixers will all be available online and the meeting timeline has been extended to encompass nearly three weeks in early December. Running from December 1-17, the 2020 meeting offers… Read more »