LTER at AGU, 2023
An REU Summer at the MSP LTER
This SSALTER blog is modified from the REU students’ weekly blog posts. Check out the fieldwork snippets they have done this summer!
Anxious, Elitist, and Eccentric: Species of the Chihuahuan Desert
today, it’s my pleasure to introduce you to some of the remarkable flora and fauna who call the Chihuahuan desert home—I hope you’ll meet their smug, elitist, shy, anxious selves in person one day.
LTER Arts and Humanities Virtual Get-Together
The LTER arts and humanities working group will host a virtual get-together on November 29, 2023 (3 pm EST) for those interested in advancing arts-humanities work within their sites and across the network.
BioRender Webinar: Learn to make publication quality science graphics
Learn to make publication quality graphics using BioRender, a free program that aims to simplify the process of making complicated science figures.
EPA Living Shorelines Workshop—virtual presentation to the LTER
FCE LTER collaborator Randall Parkinson presents a new living shoreline site suitability tool in an hour-long webinar to the LTER.
2024 Graduate Writing Fellow Application Submission
Nature-based dune restoration makes winners of us all
A six-year pilot study on Santa Monica Beach shows how seeding of native flora can restore habitats for threatened species and protect against climate change-driven sea level rise.
Launching the LTER Community Forum
The heart of the LTERnet community forum is peer-to-peer exchanges. We need everyone’s participation to really access the value of the LTER community.
Have a question? Or an opportunity?
Choose a category, add a few relevant tags and a clear title–and ask your question.