Women in Oceanography: highly accomplished but still underrepresented
The Northern Gulf of Alaska LTER is an anomaly in oceanography: women lead the research. Hear inspiring stories about three of them.
The Northern Gulf of Alaska LTER is an anomaly in oceanography: women lead the research. Hear inspiring stories about three of them.
On Monday, November 8, 2021 each LTER site will give a 5 minute lightning talk about a current research initiative within the overarching theme of human-environment interactions. Lightning talks are open to the public, so please share widely! There are three hour-long sessions throughout the day, with time for mingling and follow-up questions interspersed. 9… Read more »
The LTER Synchrony Synthesis group links richness synchrony to ecosystem stability in a new study, showing synchrony is a key control on ecosystem functions.
Social scientists research natural scientists at two LTER sites, and find that collaboration with communication experts is key to easier and more impactful public engagement.
At the Niwot Ridge LTER, community scientists expand the reach of pika research initiatives to understand how pikas might respond to climate change.
A new paper by Dr. Andrew Rypel uses long-term datasets to reveal spatial and temporal variation for fish in Wisconsin lakes.
Life in the Chihuahuan Desert endures amid extremes, so the desert’s inhabitants make the most of brief moments to sustain biodiversity.
In Arctic lagoons, life persists through cold and dark winters, but few people are able to study and understand the bizarre life under sea ice. With chemical biomarkers and insight from local communities, food web ecologists are beginning to uncover how these organisms thrive in the harsh winter, and how they will continue to survive in the ever changing Arctic climate.
Long-term research at the Niwot Ridge LTER reveals alpine lakes are seeing longer ice-free periods in the summer, a consequence of a changing climate.
Each year, scores of new students, staff members, and investigators join the LTER Network. They dive right in to working on their site-based research, but sometimes don’t discover — until much later — the array of resources, colleagues, and expertise that the Network offers. This brief (90-minute) network orientation session serves to introduce new LTER… Read more »