Integrating plant community and ecosystem responses to chronic global change drivers: Toward an explanation of patterns and improved global predictions

JRN LTER researchers prepare a precipitation addition/reduction experiment.

Background and plans Many global change drivers (GCDs) lead to chronic alterations in resource availability. As communities change through time in response to these GCDs, the magnitude and direction of ecosystem responses are also predicted to change in a non-linear fashion. We proposed to examine whether plant community dynamics are predictive of shifts in ecosystem… Read more »

LTER Network News | 2019 August

LTER Network News is a forum for sharing news and activities from across the LTER Network. This is our water cooler. Please share personnel changes, new grants, cross-Network activities that might interest your LTER colleagues.

Understanding Farmer Attitudes Can Help Address Water Quality Issues

satellite view of gulf of mexico dead zone

The Gulf of Mexico dead zone is predicted to be a near record size in 2019. By the end of summer, the hypoxic region at the mouth of the Mississippi River is expected to occupy over 22,000 square kilometers—an area the size of Massachusetts. The culprit? Nitrogen-based fertilizers applied to crops across the Midwest that… Read more »

Connecting Communities: LTER at ESA 2019

Logo for ESA 2019 Annual Meeting

LTER presents two plenary talks, plus results from synthesis working groups.
Individual talks and posters are listed and cover topics as diverse as the ecology of segregation, connectivity in barrier island communities, and modeling complex landscapes using machine learning.

Can corals ride the tide of climate change?

Damselfish and their coral host (Pocillopora eydouxi).

Researchers at Mo’orea LTER did not observe evidence that corals acclimatize to ocean acidification, but they did observe that some are more sensitive to it than others.

LTER Related Oral Sessions at American Geophysical Union Meeting (2019)

AGU Centennial logo
The organized oral sessions below are being convened at the American Geophysical Union (AGU) Meeting 9-13 December by LTER investigators and students. Abstract submissions are open until midnight EDT 31 July, 2019. Want to add a session to the list? Contact Marty Downs, Workshop: Metrics that Make a Difference: How to analyze change and... Read more »