In “The Conversation”: Climate change is already disrupting US forests and coasts

Scientists have been consistently documenting environmental changes at research sites like this one in the Cascade Mountains for decades. US Forest Service Michael Paul Nelson, Oregon State University and Peter Mark Groffman, CUNY Graduate Center Record-breaking heat waves and drought have left West Coast rivers lethally hot for salmon, literally cooked millions of mussels and… Read more »

LTER at ESA 2021

2021 logo for ESA annual meeting

In 2021, the Ecological Society of America Meeting will be fully online. Tracking down LTER talks and sessions has been a bit more challenging this year than in previous years. Please use the form at the end of this page to submit your talk, session, or poster and the LTER Network Office will continue to… Read more »

Slow Research to Understand Fast Change

frozen streams emerging from a rocky, gray landscape

By harnessing decades of rich data, scientists are beginning to forecast future conditions and plan ways to manage, mitigate, or adapt to likely changes in ecosystems that will impact human economies, health and wellbeing.

Information Management Committee Bylaws Revision

two hands depositing ballots

The Executive Team of the LTER Information Management Committee has reviewed the Committee’s Bylaws and is requesting approval of several updates. The original impetus for the update (and the only change of any real significance) is to allow the Executive Committee to choose their own chair(s) rather than having chairs selected by the IMC. IM-Exec… Read more »

LTER Diversity Committee Hosts Community Building Seminars

May 11, 2021, Noon PT / 2 pm CT. Dr. Marta Berbés-Blázquez speaks on "Just Urban Futures"

One goal of the LTER Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion committee is to facilitate the formation of spaces for community-building among those of us who do not see our identities sufficiently represented in our professional spaces. The committee’s hope is that improving cross-site interactions can help LTER community members increase connections within their professional network, facilitate… Read more »

Academic Careers Panel

notebooks and coffee

Different types of academic institutions offer very different career paths, rewards, and opportunities. The job search process can also vary a great deal. How will you know where you want to land and how to get there, if you’ve only experienced the institution where you study? The LTER Graduate Student Committee and Network Office held… Read more »

Meet our LTER Graduate Student Science Writers for 2021!

person in black baseball cap, writing in notebook

We are excited to announce our 2021 cohort of LTER grad student science writers. We received a high number of impressive applications, and after much deliberation we are happy to introduce seven students who represent sites from across the network and who bring unique backgrounds, experiences, and talents to the team. Over the next year… Read more »

DataBits: Winter/Spring Edition of Site Bytes

The NES team, masked and socially distanced, on a research cruise in 2020

Below you’ll find the latest roundup of IM news from sites that have updates related to new staff, funding, project development. Luquillo LTER – Miguel Leon Greetings from the Luquillo (LUQ) LTER. I’m Miguel Leon, the newish Information Manager, starting in late 2019. I came to the LTER network after about 10 years working as… Read more »

New Book: The Challenges of Long Term Ecological Research: A Historical Analysis

book cover

Compiled by Bob Waide and Sharon Kingsland, with contributions from many authors across the LTER Network, this volume explores the challenges of sustaining long-term ecological research through a historical analysis of the Long Term Ecological Research Program created by the U.S. National Science Foundation in 1980. The book examines reasons for the creation of the… Read more »