The Devil’s in the Details for Kelp Forest Biodiversity

fish swimming through giant kelp forest

Kelp forests have long been known to harbor a high number and diversity of marine species, from tiny crustaceans to large fish and marine mammals. This biodiversity tends to be attributed to the complex structure and productivity of giant kelp, earning it the title ‘foundational species’. Surprisingly, however, little quantitative data has been assessed to… Read more »

Sea Level Rise Making Things Saltier in the Everglades

For those living in South Florida, sea level rise is a very real problem that’s impacting coastal areas right now, and is expected to worsen over the next decade. While most discussions on sea level rise in Florida focus on highly populated coastal cities such as Miami and Tampa, sea level rise is also having… Read more »

In Memoriam: Dr. Susan Williams

Credit: © UC DavisColleagues in the LTER and marine science communities are morning the sudden loss of Dr. Susan Williams in an auto accident April 24, 2018, while on her way to teach. A founding investigator of the Mo’orea Coral Reef LTER and past director of the Bodega Marine Laboratory, Dr. Williams was a distinguished… Read more »

News from the NCO: 2018 Spring

April 9, 2018 News from the NCO is a forum for sharing news and activities from the Network Communications Office and from across the LTER Network. This is our water cooler. If you have personnel changes, new grants, cross-Network activities that might interest your LTER colleagues, please send them along to Going to SACNAS… Read more »

Arctic Data Center Requests Proposals

To promote the analysis and synthesis of Arctic data, as well as to inform ongoing development of the NSF data repository, the Arctic Data Center is soliciting requests for proposals for a Synthesis Working Group, with research to begin by October 2018. Funding is available for one Working Group, consisting of hosting two meetings of approximately 15 participants each, over… Read more »

After the Burn – Making Art out of Grassland Fires

Fire is a natural force that has shaped grasslands for millennia, and it remains crucial for managing and conserving tallgrass prairie today. Fire also inspires and captivates the human spirit. Can grassland fires also be used to produce art? Erin Wiersma, Associate Professor of Art at Kansas State University, is exploring how recently burned prairie… Read more »

LTER Road Trip: A Steep Transect at Coweeta Hydrologic Lab

Leaf litter basket at transect #327, used to measure rates of leaf fall.

I paused at the top of Coweeta Hydrologic Lab’s transect #327, peering down, down, down at the slope beneath me. Katie Bower, a research technician at Coweeta, and two summer interns had already started down the narrow pathway, accustomed to its slippery leaf layer and sharp contours. Taking a deep breath, I followed slowly behind.

LTER Road Trip: Coweeta Listening Project

Jason Meador of the Land Trust for the Little Tennessee talks to ICON students in Cat Creek.

I flip open my copy of The Franklin Press while sipping coffee at a field station, and there, in a bi-monthly column, is an article by Coweeta Hydrologic Lab staff, answering the scientific questions of local citizens. The column is just one part of the Coweeta Listening Project (CLP), an initiative of the Coweeta LTER.

DataBits Newsletter, Spring 2018

This issue features articles that present a wide set of themes including historical facts, a vision for collaboration strategies given new partnerships and challenges, descriptions of systems that produce EML packages to deposit data in data repositories, individual experiences of special events like the 2017 solar eclipse and a tropical hurricane, and information management post-LTER… Read more »